Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time well spent

A couple weeks ago we had our fellow teammates the Grahams and the Cordobas up to our house for a day 'o' fun. The day was filled with fishing in our pond, food, a singalong with Rich playing the guitar and our dog making new friends. It was very refreshing to all be together for a time of fellowship, not just "work stuff." We love our teammates and are so thankful God has blessed us with great people to serve with in the DR.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome to Juan's

Here in the Dominican we have a little different shopping experience than in the States. This is Juan's vegetable store. Every Monday he gets fresh vegetables for the week. So, Monday we come to do the shopping for the Children's Home.

It is kind of crazy and unorganized for what I'm used to but, it somehow always works. Sometimes there are as many as twenty people in this little shop. Thankfully, Juan and his helpers are gracious enough to put what I need together for me otherwise, it would be overwhelming trying to find everything.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lessons with Uncle Rich

Usually Rich has an audience while he works on things, yesterday was no exception. He and Wilson are working on repairing and putting back together the rig right now. One of the young men that came to observe started talking about how one day people would call him "Don" because he is going to have lots of money. (Don is a title of respect.)

Rich asked "so you want people to respect you because you have money?" The young man answered "yes." Rich then asked "what will happen if your money is stolen or you spend all of it? Then will the respect people had for you be gone too?" The young man was silent and thought for awhile.

Rich told him that you should be respected because you are honest, hard-working and walk with God not because of money or other things that will perish. The kid just looked at Rich for awhile thinking about this new concept then remarked, "you should be a preacher."

We have started to figure out how smart Jesus was with His teachings. Most of His lessons were conversations and problems of everyday life not some issue of doctrine. We are praying and looking for opportunities to teach in this way because lets face it neither of us are going to be in a pulpit any time soon.

We encourage all of you to read in Matthew 6 today. Spend some time examining yourself and where your heart is.

Matthew 6:19-24

19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

22"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. 23But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

24"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

Mourn with those who mourn

Sunday afternoon Rich and I decided to take a motorbike ride out to visit Carmen and her mother. When we first arrived we went to see her and I wasn't sure she was even in the bed because she was so thin. After sitting with her for awhile we moved out to the porch to talk. While I was chatting with Carmen some of the sisters started yelling. Carmen's mom passed away Sunday afternoon about 4:15.

In the Dominican culture wailing is a huge part of the funeral process. Rich and I were unsure what to do but, Carmen wanted us there. It was difficult to see her in such pain. Monday we spent all day with her and Rich helped with digging the grave. Usually we don't have a very emotional and culturally enlightening day all at once but, this was definitely both.

Carmen will stay at her mom's house until next week. Her family is Catholic so they will pray the rosary for nine days. Please pray for Carmen and her family at this time and that we would be able to help comfort her.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Skin Kaleidoscope

Sunday before church I was sitting with JB's daughters. Ashleigh, the youngest, was holding my hand and noticed that I had some freckles on my skin. She asked "what's that?" I told her that God is so creative that He made everyone different and that He gave me freckles for decoration. At first she thought it was strange to have dots on your skin but, then started looking for "decorations" on her arms. She was excited to find one! Then she proceeded to pet my arm hair and told me it was soft like a cat.

I love the kids here, especially JB's girls. They have such an inquisitive spirit but, with innocence and never meanness. There is a lot of racial tension here between the Dominicans and Haitians so it was good to have a little impromptu lesson on how we are all made by God to be special.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where there is no Whirlpool or Maytag...

Where Rich's work ends... mine begins.
Many of you have asked how we wash our laundry down here. Well, we have a "Dominican" washer and dryer. I fill the washer side with water, put the clothes in and it twirls around for 15 minutes. I take the clothes out and put them in the spinner/dryer that spins the water out of the clothes. Then they go back to the washer part for a rinse cycle, put in the spinner again and hung on the line. I spend at least 16 hours a week doing laundry. As you can imagine Rich's clothes are filthy from drilling and repairing things. I hand scrub his work clothes to get the dirt and grease off before I put them in the machine. It is quite a bit of work but, it keeps me in good shape!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

Mama Carmen and Barbara (my mom)

This is Carmen or to many of you that have been here, Mama Carmen! She works at our mission camp as the cook. And has rightfully earned the "mama" title. She takes care of everyone in the community. I had a very close relationship with her when I was an intern and now that we live here and have the ability to speak Spanish we have become even closer. Carmen is extremely generous! She always wants to have us over to cook for us which, is fantastic by us!

I would like to ask special prayers for Carmen's family. Her mother is dying of cancer, there is nothing the doctors can do. Each day Carmen appears more frazzled and tired. She feels really helpless in this situation. Please pray that God will bring peace that passes all understanding.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So Happy Together!

This summer we had several friends come visit. Jerrad and Ami Powell and Andrew and Julie Dorsey from our supporting congregation in Little Rock, AR came to visit which, was really fun and encouraging. My parents also were here for the last week of the summer program. It was great to be able to show them our work with the summer groups.

A few days after the interns left my friend Annalisa Briggs came to visit! We grew up together in York, NE and then we interned here together the summer of 2005. It was so fun to be together in the DR again and reminisce about all the crazy things that happened that summer. She was also gracious enough to help me put my house back together after our busy summer schedule. Thank the Lord for the amazing support system we have! We are so encouraged by all the visitors, phone calls and e-mails we've had. We love you all very much!