Wednesday, April 1, 2009

An Adventure to the Dentist

Our exciting day of going to the dentist started with me picking up three of the kids from the Children's Home: Ariel, Yudelka and Yargenis. Nine year olds Ariel and Yargenis had never been to the dentist before so, I wasn't sure how the day would go. Since we were going to drive on the "highway" I wanted them to put on their seat belts. I was surprised when this was a foreign concept, they had no idea how to do it. Ariel wrapped himself in it and said with pride "mira" which means "look." I stopped the car and got everyone situated and we were off to Gasper Hernandez. We made it to the dentist office on time, filled out some paper work, and each kid saw the dentist. There were only four cavities and three teeth pulled, all in all not bad. With a quick stop at the grocery store we made it back to Bobita before lunch. It was a very successful day and I enjoyed spending time with the kids. They were very brave!