MannaDR hosts a youth missionary camp here in the Dominican Republic every summer. We have college students that give up their summer to serve here as interns. Every week we have a different team from all over the United States. Each group helps the people in the local villages by putting on tin roofs, pouring cement floors and painting houses. They also hold a couple of VBS', spend a day in the community, visit the sick in the hospital and those that live in the city dump.
We picked out some groovy new paint colors and have been working diligently to get camp ready. A special thanks to our fellow team members Kyle and Vicki Graham that came out to help us paint. Rich has been fixing things around camp when he gets rained out of drilling. We are excited that our interns will arrive May 28! They will have a few days to get oriented to the DR, meet our team and the people in Bobita and help finish getting camp ready. Our first group arrives June 2. We have a full summer ahead of us and are so excited to get going!
If you are interested in bringing a group here to the DR to work with us check out our website for more information or e-mail Tom Martin at We would love to have you down here!